Shepherding a Child's Heart Session 1 - Formative Instruction

Shepherding a Child's Heart - Part 1

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Preacher / Predicador

Tedd Tripp

March 2, 2025


Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt.

[0:00] One is that the biblical principles we'll talk about will be applicable to your life. It will also give you insight into how to encourage and pray for your brothers and sisters who are raising children.

[0:23] Because we want to see a generation of children coming out of our church who have been taught God's ways. Because we want to see a generation of children coming out of our church to which they have taught God's ways.

[0:35] Now in this session we're focused on a formative instruction of our children. And I'm going to give some definition to that term in a moment.

[0:52] I don't seem to be talking to this, so you can just keep advancing. John, you can just try to keep up with me, that'll be fine. John, that please keep up with me while he's talking with the vistas.

[1:04] I think of it this way. There are two aspects to parenting. There's corrective discipline. That's when you're responding to something that has gone wrong.

[1:17] Corrective, pardon. Eso is when we respond to something that has gone wrong. And correction is needed. And there's formative instruction. And there's formative instruction.

[1:27] That's where you're providing a biblical foundation for life for your children. We're putting up with the foundation of our children. Básico para nuestros hijos. It's really providing a Christian culture of thought for our kids.

[1:42] It's providing a Christian culture of thought for our kids. It's rooting them in the rich soil of the Bible. It's being able to create a Christian culture of thought for our kids.

[1:52] And it's this teaching and training that we're called to as God's people. Y a eso que hemos estado llamados a ser nosotros como el pueblo de Dios. And that formative instruction really equips your children to understand the things that you do in times of correction.

[2:08] Y la instrucción formativa le va a ayudar al niño a entender lo que nosotros hacemos cuando lo estamos corrigiendo con la disciplina. And I'm persuaded that the formative instruction is far more important than what you do during times of discipline.

[2:21] Y yo estoy persuadido que la instrucción formativa es mucho más importante que la corrección disciplinaria que hacemos. La disciplina es importante. We'll talk about that. But formative instruction is essential for your children.

[2:35] Pero la instrucción formativa es esencial para nuestros hijos. Because you want to root their thinking in the Word of God. Because queremos que crean con un pensamiento basado en la Palabra de Dios.

[2:45] You want your child to understand that he is a creature made by God. Queremos que nuestros hijos entiendan que son criaturas hechas a la imagen de Dios. He's made for God's glory. Fueron hechas para la gloria de Dios.

[2:56] He's uniquely designed for relationship with the living God. Fueron únicamente diseñados para tener una relación con Dios. And God calls him to exercise dominion over the creation.

[3:06] Dios los llama a ejercer dominion sobre la creación. And so in the words of Ephesians 6 we want to raise him in the training and instruction of the Lord. Conforme a Ephesians 6 queremos criar a nuestros hijos en la disciplina y en la instrucción del Señor.

[3:21] So formative instruction is an instruction that forms or shapes the thinking of our children. La instrucción formativa forma la forma de pensar de nuestros hijos. By way of illustration we could think of a potter with a lump of clay on a wheel.

[3:37] Para ilustrar esto vamos a pensar en un alfarero con una rueda de, con una masa de arcilla. And as the wheel spins the potter gives shape to that lifeless lump of clay.

[3:47] Y mientras la rueda va dando vuelta el alfarero va dándole forma a esa arcilla. Or a woodworker with a block of wood on a lathe. O como un ebanista con un torno dándole forma a algo de madera.

[4:01] And he uses his carving tools to shape that piece of wood. Y él usa esa forma para tallar esa pieza de madera. Now the Bible doesn't use this word formative instruction.

[4:12] La Biblia no usa esa palabra instrucción formativa. But the concept is clearly there. Pero el concepto está claramente allí. And we'll look at it in Deuteronomy 6 in a moment.

[4:24] So formative instruction provides biblical ways of thinking for our children. It's before the problem instruction.

[4:37] It's not just a response to something that has gone wrong. And it's focused on helping our children understand and interpret life correctly.

[4:48] It's for our children to understand and interpret life correctly. And the goal of course is a renewed mind. It's what Romans 12 talks about. It's what Romans 12 talks about. Be transformed by the renewing of your minds.

[5:02] Transformado by the renewing of your minds. And this formative instruction is foundational. Because it's what makes sense of the things you say to your children when you're correcting and disciplining them.

[5:20] Now there are both formal and informal times of instruction. There are those informal times like family worship. Or formal, excuse me, formal times like family worship.

[5:33] There are those formal times like the devotional familiar. Where your children know this is the time of day when we read God's word and pray together as a family. Este es el momento donde nosotros nos reunimos como familia a enseñar la palabra de Dios.

[5:46] And those informal times are just part of the conversation of everyday life. Y esos tiempos informales es en momentos cualquier cotidiano de nuestras vidas. And of course there's a problem we have.

[5:58] We assume far too much. A veces asumimos mucho más de lo que deberíamos. We often assume our children are understanding things that they're not actually understanding. A veces asumimos que nuestros hijos están entendiendo lo que les decimos, pero realmente no es así.

[6:12] And so sometimes our formative instruction is inadequate or incomplete because we make these massive assumptions. A veces nuestra instrucción formativa es incompleta porque hacemos esas asumciones que no son reales.

[6:24] I remember one year we sent a seven-year-old son to Camp Susque. Yo recuerdo una vez que enviamos a nuestro hijo de siete años al campamento de Susque. And Margie packed the suitcase for him. Y Margie le preparó la maleta con todo lo que debía llevar.

[6:37] She packed a whole week's worth of mothering into the suitcase. Por una semana todo lo que el niño debería tener ahí en la maleta. And later, before she closed the lid, she gave him a guided tour of the suitcase.

[6:49] Y antes de ella cerrar la maleta, le dio instrucciones de cómo usar las cosas que estaban ahí en la maleta. She showed him everything was there and told him just when he was supposed to use it. Le dijo todo lo que había adentro y cuándo tenía que usarlas, esas cosas.

[7:00] She got to the underpants. She says, don't forget, change your underwear every day. Y ella dijo cuando llegó a los calzoncillos, recuérdense cambiar el calzoncillo cada día. He came home at the end of the week looking a little bulky.

[7:11] Y cuando el hijo regresó esa semana del campamento, se veía como muy abultadito el niño. And we discovered he was wearing seven pairs of underpants. Y él estaba usando los siete pantaloncillos uno encima de otro. He changed them every day just like mother said.

[7:24] Él se lo cambió cada día, se puso uno nuevo cada día. She made this massive assumption that he would realize he was supposed to take off the dirty pair before he put on the clean pair. And it's so easy for us to do that with our children.

[7:44] This formative instruction is foundational for us. I think we have a chart on the next slide. You can go right to that chart. At the bottom we have this formative instruction, biblical truth that we give to our children.

[7:59] Keep clicking through. Giving them a Christian worldview, an understanding of God's truth. And corrective discipline sits on top of that foundation.

[8:15] La disciplina está ahí encima de ese fundamento. And it appeals to the foundation. Y eso tiene que ver con el cimiento, con la zapata. So that foundation is so important. Now we want to read for you Deuteronomy chapter 9.

[8:29] And I think we will both read it. And then we'll look at this passage together in a moment. Deuteronomy chapter 6, excuse me. Okay, Deuteronomy 6. Verses 1 to 9.

[8:41] Del 1 al 9. Now this is the commandment and statutes and rules that the Lord your God commanded me to teach you, so that you may do them in the land which you are going over to possess it.

[8:53] That you may fear the Lord your God, and that you and your son and your son's sons, by keeping all of his statutes and commandments which I command you today, so that your days may be long.

[9:07] Hear, O Israel, be careful to do them, that it may go well with you, and you may multiply greatly as the Lord your God promised you in the land flowing with milk and honey.

[9:18] Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. These words that I command you today are to be upon your heart.

[9:32] You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk along the way, when you lie down, and when you rise.

[9:44] You shall bind them as a sign on your hand. They shall be like frontlets before your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and of your gates.

[9:54] Deuteronomy 6, del 1 al 9, dice, Estos, pues, son los mandamientos, estatutos y decretos que Jehová vuestro Dios mandó que os enseñase, para que los pongáis por obra en la tierra a la cual vosotros pasáis para posesión.

[10:09] Para que temáis a Jehová tu Dios guardando todos sus estatutos y sus mandamientos que yo te mando, tu hijo, tu hijo, tu hijo, tu hijo, el hijo de tu hijo, todos los días de tu vida, para que tus días sean prolongados.

[10:23] Oye, pues, oh Israel, y cuida de ponerlos por obra, para que te vaya bien en la tierra que fluye leche y miel, y os multipliquéis, como te ha dicho Jehová, el Dios de tus padres.

[10:34] Oye, Israel, Jehová, nuestro Dios, Jehová uno es. Y amarás a Jehová tu Dios con todo tu corazón, de toda tu alma, con todas tus fuerzas. Y estas palabras que yo te mando hoy estarán sobre tu corazón, y las repetirás a tus hijos, y hablarás de ellas estando en tu casa, y andando por el camino, y al acostarte cuando te levantes, y atarás como una señal en tu mano, y estarán como frontales en tus ojos, y las escribirás en los postes de tu casa y en tus puertas.

[11:03] Una de las aplicaciones de este pasaje es que el primer lugar para tus hijos tener su pensamiento en el suelo bíblico, no es la iglesia.

[11:15] Es para que se entienda claro que el primer lugar donde sus hijos van a ser enseñados en las instrucciones del Señor, no es la iglesia, sino sus casas. La iglesia lo que va a hacer es ayudarte a equiparte a ti para ese trabajo.

[11:31] El primer lugar donde ellos tienen que aprender las cosas de Dios es tu casa. No es el campamento.

[11:42] No es el campamento. Ni siquiera son las escuelas cristianas. No es la escuela dominical tampoco. Con todo lo agradecido que estamos de su ministerio, el lugar primordial es su hogar.

[11:58] The primary place for your children to have their thinking rooted in God's word is the home. El lugar donde sus hijos van a estar enraizados en las verdades de la palabra de Dios es su hogar.

[12:09] This is the calling of parents. It's the calling of moms and dads. Because the family is a place where you present a culture that is a distinctly Christian culture.

[12:22] Because the home is the place where you are going to show your children that in that home there is a Christian culture. And even those of you who are single parents, God can give you grace to make your home a place where your children are taught God's ways.

[12:35] And even those of you who are single parents, you have to show your children that are taught God's ways. And the need for your children to have thinking rooted in biblical soil has perhaps never been greater than it is at this moment.

[12:49] And the need for our children to have taught us that in our home there is a Christian culture is much more important in this moment than ever before. The moral degradation of our culture, of our society is cultural in its reach.

[13:04] La degradación moral de nuestra cultura is at its peak. And everything has become corrupted by it. Everything has become corrupted by it. Entertainment, the arts, music, literature, manners, sports, work, leisure, dress, the way we dress, recreation, all these things have been have been co-opted by a wicked culture.

[13:40] And a culture that is determined to remove every last vestige of Christian truth from our minds. And our children are being told how to think about authority and justice and honor and amusement and responsibility and gender and presentation by a culture that is running away from God's truth.

[14:16] It's like what Paul describes in Ephesians 4. He says, having lost all sensitivity, they've indulged in every kind of impurity with a continual desire for more.

[14:38] That's the culture in which we're raising children. And the need for us to be doing this job daily in our homes is profound.

[14:49] And the need for us to be doing this job daily in our homes is profound. And so I want to take a few minutes to unpack Deuteronomy 6 for you.

[14:59] I'm going to take a few minutes to unpack this passage of Deuteronomy 6. The first thing I want you to notice with me is there's a three generation vision in this passage. I'm telling you these things so that your children and their children and your grandchildren excuse me, for you and your children and your grandchildren may walk in the ways of the Lord.

[15:25] Think about that. There's more at stake when you're interacting with your children than just the needs of this moment. Our concern is just greater than getting compliance from this child.

[15:50] And if your focus is only providing correction that meets the needs of the moment that's going to keep you from being successful. Y si el propósito tuyo es simplemente que él esté de acuerdo contigo en el momento no estamos cumpliendo nuestro propósito.

[16:05] No, obviously we have to respond to each day's troubles. Tenemos que responderle a los problemas de cada día, obviamente. But we've got to have this bigger vision. Pero tenemos que tener una visión mayor. So you can't think about survival in raising children.

[16:18] No solamente para que sobrevivamos criando a nuestros hijos. My desire is to instill a love of God in this six-year-old. Es para transmitir amor a Dios en el corazón de ese niño. To instill in him a love for God's ways.

[16:31] Amor a Dios y a sus caminos. To delight this child with a taste of unseen spiritual realities. Para que ese niño se deleite con las realidades espirituales.

[16:42] I want to build a Christian worldview that is beautiful and attractive. Quiero edificar una cosmovisión cristiana que sea atractiva para ese niño. So attractive that he thinks to himself I want for these things to be true.

[16:54] Para que ese niño diga yo quiero que esas cosas sean reales en mi vida. Because my focus is not just this child this moment solving this problem. My focus is bigger than that.

[17:11] I want my grandchildren to know God. I'm concerned with where this my grandchildren are going to be 50 years from now.

[17:24] So I'm giving myself diligently to this calling because I want my family to have this heritage of following God. God.

[17:37] Now when are you involved in this work? And of course you know the answer. This is something we're engaged in all the time.

[17:49] The passage says you talk about God when you sit at home. When you walk along the road. When you lie down.

[18:00] When you get up. Now we'll take those in order. There are a lot of sitting around the house times. Some of those are times for formal instruction.

[18:14] We've gathered the family together for family worship. And we're going to read the Bible and pray together as a family.

[18:26] I had the privilege of being raised in a home where we had family worship every morning. before anyone left the house.

[18:41] We read the Bible and prayed together. My father was completely unimaginative in doing this. He wasn't clever about it.

[18:53] He didn't even think about how can I make this interesting. He never made any commentary on the passages. But every single day we acknowledged God.

[19:09] Every day we started the day with reading the Bible and praying together.

[19:20] Margie and I found it worked better for our family to do it after our evening meal. So there are those formal sitting around the house times where you're reading God's word praying together as a family.

[19:40] There are other sitting around the house times that are less formal. But they're just as purposeful. Just as intentional.

[19:52] Because you're trying to show your children the beauty and of God's ways and God's truth. So you're when you're sitting around the house you're talking about things such as this.

[20:10] You're talking about the ways of God. the goodness of God's care and provision. You're talking about the soul satisfying nature of God's truth.

[20:23] You're talking about the soul satisfying nature of God's truth. And that's what's filling every conversation. Not in a way that is stifling, but like a fresh spring breeze blowing through the house.

[20:41] God's word is always blowing through. There are also those times of lying down bringing the day to a close.

[20:54] What a wonderful time for reflecting on God. God's goodness. The opportunities we've enjoyed. wonderful opportunity for us as parents to model the grace of seeking forgiveness.

[21:09] La maravillosa oportunidad para nosotros procurar el arrepentimiento del perdón de Dios. I can say to my little son, I'm sorry, daddy wants to ask you to forgive me.

[21:20] Quizás tenemos que decirle a nuestro hijito, perdóname porque tu papá necesita que tú lo perdones. I humiliated you today in front of our guest. Yo te humillé hoy a ti delante de tus invitados.

[21:32] Because I was embarrassed by your behavior. Please forgive me. And we can model for that that we won't let the sun go down upon our anger.

[21:45] There are also times of rising meeting a new day. And starting the day with prayer and gratitude to God.

[21:58] Praise God, I had a good night's sleep. we have health this morning. We have food to eat. We have activities we're going to do today.

[22:12] Let's give thanks to God. Let's pray for God's blessing on this day that lies ahead. It's a wonderful time to anticipate the challenges of the day. if you have a child who typically has a meltdown several times every day, you don't have to wait for it to happen.

[22:37] You know it's going to happen. It happens every day. You can pray about it right now at the beginning of the day. Let's pray that God will help you today. Let's pray that when you're tempted to get angry and start to cry and fuss, let's pray that God will help you.

[23:01] You can come to mommy, you can come to daddy, and I will pray with you. But we can anticipate the struggles that are going to happen with our kids. There are also those times of informal instruction that take place as we walk along the road.

[23:21] Now, most of us don't walk along the road with our families because we would get run over by somebody.

[23:35] So we could say as we're riding along in the vehicle, the point is we have travel time. We're going from one place to another and there's time that we're going to spend and we seize that time as opportunities to talk about God and God's ways.

[23:58] So we're if you have a vehicle full of chattering children, you want to insert yourself into that conversation and give focus and clarity to it.

[24:15] Or maybe it's just you riding along with one of the children. What a marvelous time to talk to them about God. About God's revelation.

[24:28] revelation. About the magnanimity of God's character. It's such a grief to lose those times in silence. It's sad to lose those moments in silence.

[24:41] Or with you listening to something on your headset and then playing a video game. I want you to notice this.

[24:52] The entire day is framed by talking to our kids about God. When we rise up in the morning.

[25:04] When we sit around the house. When we ride along in the car. When we're lying down at night. The ways of God. The goodness of God.

[25:17] The kindness of God. The needs of humanity. Fallen humanity. The grace of the gospel is what fills every conversation.

[25:32] So, I'm not speaking about just giving a lecture to our children. But I want them to see life through the lens of God's word and God's ways and God's truth.

[25:50] But I want them to see life through the lens of the lens of the world.

[26:01] when I was a child, my father had this beautiful set of binoculars and I took them apart one day and I discovered inside there was a prism.

[26:22] I never managed to get them put back together again. But I had great fun with that prism. Because I discovered I could hold that prism up to the light and would break out this beautiful rainbow of color.

[26:42] That's what we're doing with our children. We're holding God's truth before the ordinary light of daily living and allowing it to break out this spectrum of wonderful truth for our children to see.

[26:58] that all spiritual to our children and if you think about it God has made the world to display his glory. I remember one time when we were building our home we had been working all day on the house late afternoon there was a terrible thunderstorm and suddenly the skies were dark almost like night and the rain was pounding down and we headed home in our truck and we're driving along in the dark of this storm and this lightning bolt struck a barn as we were driving by and there was this nanosecond where there was this incredible flash of light and then darkness again and we fell into conversation as we drove along about how

[28:06] God is a God who dwells in unapproachable light were talking about how God is inaccessible God has designed the world to be a place where his glory is on display and so he's made a world everything in the world is designed to tell us about God he made a world with stones and buildings with sand and roads with rivers and seas with boats and clouds with rain and storm snow and lightning mountains and deserts valleys bears and cubs snakes and cattle and sheep trees and grass flowers food water sleep sleeplessness sickness tears health strength arms legs hands feet heads bodies they're all designed to show

[29:37] God's glory to us and every one of those things I just mentioned are used in the word of God to help us to see what God is like do you see what God has done he's created a world in which we can get from wherever we are and whatever we see back to God because everything we see and hear can lead us to God and we have to pray oh God give me eyes to see the world in that way and give me a heart and passion to show that world to my kids so that they too see his glory because everything we see can be used to infuse an understanding of God's ways to our children in fact in Deuteronomy it's interesting it even says that we should write these words on our door frames and on our gates the point here is that the ways of God are to produce a distinctly

[31:06] Christian culture of thought and it's to pervade family life so thoroughly that even the decorations in the home show God's glory I want you to note something else with me the truth of Deuteronomy 6 is not just truth that is transmitted to the hearer by someone who is disconnected from the truth if you watch the news on television you've seen television reporters telling you of stories of terrible tragedy somewhere in the world and maybe even showing you buildings that have been demolished and horrible human suffering and there's no tear in the presenters up high there's no crack in his voice he's not moved by the story it's not his story he's just reading the news off the teleporter it's not like that for us listen to these verses four and five in Deuteronomy 6 hearer Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength dice oye

[32:56] Israel Jehová nuestro Dios Jehová uno es y amarás a Jehová tu Dios de todo tu corazón de toda tu alma y con todas tus fuerzas el fundamento de esta instrucción no es solamente un concepto son profundamente espirituales hay profundos conceptos e ideas pero son espirituales tu amor a Dios es fundamental tú no puedes impresionar a tus hijos con la gloria de Dios si tú no estás impresionado con Dios la verdad del poder soberano de Dios tiene que cambiar tu corazón afectar tu corazón la misericordia la misericordia profunda de la gracia de Dios en Cristo por nosotros debe derretir nuestros corazones la maravillosa gloria de Dios nos debe impresionar porque si tú no amas al Señor no va a ser importante tampoco para tus hijos esta cosa no es para simplemente enseñársela a nuestros hijos es comunicada por la pasión de nuestro propio amor a Dios

[34:29] Margie reminded me recently of Psalm 34 verse 8 it says taste and see that the Lord is good blessed is the man who takes refuge in God and then a few verses later it says come my children listen to me and I will teach you the fear of the Lord you know who's able to teach the fear of the Lord it's a person who's tasted and seen that God is good your love for God your delight in God your joy in God your sense that the life that is truly life is found in God the sense that the truth is found for bringing

[35:32] God's truth to your children the next verse talks about this I I can't find it by notes let me find it in the Bible yes these words that I 6 these words that I command you today must be upon your heart teach them to your children they have got to be your heart throb they have got to be they have got to be in your heart with God and your sense of being satisfied with God is foundational your sense of joy in God even in the trials of life is foundational it's not just about concepts and ideas it's got to be your heart throb these words must be upon your heart

[36:52] Richard Edwards was the grandfather of Jonathan Edwards Richard Edwards era el abuelo de Jonathan Edwards yes Jonathan Edwards was a great American preacher in in the colonial period y Jonathan Edwards fue un gran predicador en la era colonial and he wrote about his grandfather y el habló acerca de su abuelo he said his grandfather was a man who in the presence of God appeared not only to believe but to delight y el decía a su abuelo que cuando su abuelo estaba en la presencia de Dios no parecía como que simplemente él se deleitaba en Dios sino que él creía a Dios and see delighting in God is more powerful than thousands of words deleitarse en Dios es más poderoso que mil palabras there's another aspect of this that I want to in a section of the Deuteronomio that I did not read en la sección de Deuteronomio que no leímos toward the end of the chapter it says one day your children will ask you what is the meaning of these things that we do más adelante dice que los hijos le van a preguntar a sus padres y que sentido tiene todas estas cosas que hacemos you know and redemptive grace the redemptive grace of the gospel is the foundation for the choices we make as a family the grace redemptive grace of the evangelio determina las cosas que elegimos in nuestras vidas and so Moses says when your children come and say to you why do we keep all these statutes and commands of the Lord cuando tus hijos te pregunten y por qué tenemos que guardar todos los estatutos y mandamientos del Señor you say to them we were once slaves of Pharaoh in Egypt and God delivered us by his mighty arm and so we we've organized our lives around knowing this God who is our deliverer so we're embedding the choices we make as a family in God's redemptive grace and we're saying to our children

[39:05] I know it upsets you that we never watch anything but PG movies and I know sometimes you wish you didn't have to come to church with us I know sometimes you might wish you didn't have to come to church but your mother and I were slaves of Pharaoh in Egypt but escúchame tu padre tu madre y yo!

[39:41] we were esclavos in Egypt God has delivered us from bondage! he's made us his children what else what else could we do other than organized life around knowing him what else could we do other than organize our lives around knowing him so this formative instruction is foundational for everything we say in times of correction and you're doing formative instruction all day every day and corrective discipline just comes in in those times when something's gone wrong and correction or discipline is appropriate but the correct discipline is when something was bad so we apply the correct discipline now as I speak to you about this vision for family life every true christian in this room says that's what I want for myself and for my family I want first to be a family where we talk about God and his truth continually

[40:47] I want for us to be a family that sees his glory and delights in it I want to be a parent who shows biblical humility and confesses and acknowledges sin before my children I want for us to be a family that rejoices in God's truth every true christian says yes to that and the reason you want that is because in your inner being you delight in the law of God the grace of the gospel makes you someone who loves God and you want his ways so as I talk about this your heart says yes this is what I want for my family but there's something else going on isn't there you're thinking

[41:52] I'm not very good at this I fail many times I'm ashamed to say that days pass sometimes without me talking about God so you have a tension between on the one hand your heart as a believer says I want this on the other hand as a weak and fallen person you're so painfully aware of your failure of the lost opportunities what are you going to do with that tension see our temptation in our pride and self righteousness is to beat ourselves up what's the matter with me

[42:52] I must be a third rate Christian after all these years I should be better at this that doesn't move you toward God it moves you away from God because it reinforces pride and self righteousness what we've got what we have to do is go to God say Lord I love you I want what you want for me and for my family and I acknowledge that I fail and I cry out for your grace for your strength for the grace of Christ for you to strengthen me and enable me to be the parent God has called me to be may God help us to do that let's pray together let's pray we want to do all that you've called us to do and we pray that you would use our weak efforts and that in your great grace and mercy you would do in our children what we cannot do for them we pray this for Christ's glory amen amen anuncios if you didn't get a book there's books in English and Spanish if you don't tomate a tomate a full of these there's in English and Spanish in the mesa of next week is our bilingual

[45:06] Lord supper service la semana próxima tenemos el tiempo de santa cena en común bilingüe so this will continue not next week but the week after these sessions will continue the week but the of the of the of of!